I would question the job security as they have started to close multiple clinics. Laid off a ton of employees with one day notice and basically no explanation (again the company must drowning in debt due to their own incompetences). If you are in any of the other states, you get screwed because they have no specialists or any other in-network options. If you are in Oregon you have a lot more of options because that state has the most clinics and specialties. Basically no charge for any sort of visit if you come to ZoomCare or Zoomcare specialists. The insurance benefits seem great when you first hear about them. The amount of spending the company does along with the fact that there is dwindling business for them cannot be sustainable. I would be shocked if this company is still around in a few years. daily changes to how everything is done in clinic and within the company) because no one can figure out how to run the company. The most recent CEO was just fired, there is constant change (no joke. Or nothing ever accomplished because they don't understand what the clinic needs fixed or worked on. and then you have to deal with them constantly over the most ridiculous things. Overall management gets nothing done for clinics because they have never worked in healthcare and can't understand any basic concept of how healthcare even works. The management is a huge joke within all of the clinics. Its a weekly bs you have to deal with from all levels of management. Acts as if you should go stand on the side of the road with a big arrow sign pointing to come into the clinic. So instead of the company hiring a better marketing team or looking at what is actually causing little to no patients coming in to the clinics, management blames clinic staff. more like "why aren't any patients coming into the clinics? the company is losing money" For example, clinics that have 5 star ratings and great patient satisfaction are belittled and constantly ridiculed if the "numbers" (number of patients coming in per week, $ clinic is making) are not enough.
Not once during my entire time working there did management ask "are patients happy and getting the best care from the team?" Nope. Be ready to deal with incompetent management that focus on the completely wrong things. The disconnect between management and clinic staff is mind blowing for a healthcare company. Most come from places like Staples, Jamba juice, Sephora, restaurants, etc. Direct clinic management teams are all non-healthcare professionals.
The annual company raise was only about 1%.not remotely comparable to other companies. Worked for over a year and a half and the only increase was equivalent to about 29 cents.